Tuesday, October 16, 2012

And then there were two....

Our numbers are shrinking. We started out with many, and then there were two. John Pickett will be moving into his new home during opening weekend so he is expected to not be able to hunt with us this season. That leaves Kit and Martin. However, Neil and John are definate "maybe's".

2012 Season Dates and Bag Limit, and License Fee

Season: Deer - Modern Gun
Opens: 11/10/2012 
Closes: 12/2/2012 

Zone Limit: Four deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and up to two does may be taken during muzzleloader and modern gun seasons combined.

  • Does may be taken during the entire Modern Gun season. 
  • Dogs are allowed Nov. 10-Dec. 2 in Zone 1A.
This means that we can take does as well as bucks during the hunt

Our out-of-state license will only allow for three deer, so I guess that will be two bucks and one doe.

Nonresident 5-Day All Game Hunting License (AG5)           ($150.00)
Entitles the holder to hunt all game species for the five-day period specified. Three deer tags or two turkey tags are included with this license.

Monday, October 1, 2012

2012 Expected Turn-Out


With the permission of Mr. Neil Miller, I had expanded the invitation list for this year's hunt to include the following people:

  • Bob Miller
  • Bob Vinson
  • Mike Miller
  • Duke Clement
  • Neil Miller
  • Rob Vinson
  • Kit Vinson
  • Charles Vinson
  • Martin Riedel
  • John Pickett
It was going to be a hunting experience for the memory books. However, it seems that end count will be the same as last year, with a slight change in lineup. But that's OK. That means that we can hope for a GREAT turn-out next year after they all see how much fun we had this year.

As of today, the expected turn-out will be:

  • Duke Clement
  • Kit Vinson
  • Martin Riedel
  • John Pickett

I am looking forward to adding Duke's head to the lineup above.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Dove Season


September 1 is the beginning of dove season. Dove season marks the opening of hunting season for the year. Right after dove season opens, soon follows bow season for deer on October 1, then rifle season on November 3rd, then duck season somewhere in there too.

This year was the first time in many years that I made the opportunity to go dove hunting. If you can get out to go dove hunting, it really does help to pass the time as we eagerly await deer season. Something about shooting a shotgun and bringing meat home to the freezer really helped me take my mind off of waiting for deer season to start.

Here are a few photos to share with you. Maybe it will help you as it helped me.

No? I didn't think so. Well, at least we tried.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Menu Requests and Head Count

Good Morning Boys:

Yes, it is that time of year again, only 58 more days. Time to start thinking about what we are going to eat while we sit around the campfire and tell lies about what we did while hunting and killing animals. Yep, this kind of stuff isn’t for the faint of heart. Only the men of men have what it takes to belly up to this bar and trade licks with the likes of us. For those who have the “Right Stuff” and can survive until the next meal, you will be rewarded with sustenance that will fuel your engines and build your stamina so you can re-enter the arena and fight again.

If you’re thinking something fancy-schmancy, then you should probably sit this one out and come back when you become a real hunter. Our motto is, “If it doesn’t hurt when you eat it, then it aint worth eating.” Our coffee is served with a knife and fork, the beans are scraped from the bottom of the pot, and all of the meat is served jerky style. If you’re not up to the challenge, then you might consider moving back in with your mom and letting her cut your meat for you. There is no space around the campfire for people like you.

This year, the menu will probably look very similar to the menu from last year because the response was overwhelmingly positive. We consider a positive response any meal that doesn’t end with uncontrolled projectile vomiting, botulism, salmonella,

However, nothing is set in stone. If you have any special requests, or if you feel up to cooking something special for the boys, then now is the time to voice your opinion. To request a change to the menu, simply mail a letter to the Buzzard Bluff Hunting Association, c/o Vice-President of Gastro Stimulation, P.O. Box 275896, Fort Smith, Arkansas. All requests must be received in the office no later than noon on the second Tuesday of the first week of October. All requests that do not arrive in time for the deadline will be processed into toilet paper to be used during the 2012 hunting season.

Cooler space is limited so it is important that Gastro Stimulation department have an accurate head-count so that the correct amount of supplies can be flown in. The menu committee needs to know who will be attending which meals. If you sign up for a meal and are unable to attend said meal, the food supplies that you ordered and did not use will be air dropped onto the windshield of your car sometime between Monday and Friday of the week following the annual hunt, between the hours of 7:00am and 10:00pm. You will be responsible for all damages that may result from the air drop.

The same rules apply this year as they did last year. For all of you numb-skulls that have already forgotten the rules, I will review them again.
1.                  The cook does NOT have to clean dishes, pots, pans, and eating utensils after each meal. He has sacrificed much to ensure that you have a camping culinary experience that is second to none. If you don’t care enough to do a little clean-up after the meal, then he may, at his discretion, urinate or spit in the next meal he prepares for you.
2.                  Anybody who complains about the quality of any meal will be required to prepare the next meal. (“It tastes like shit, but GOOD shit”)

That is all for now. It is time to start polishing your guns, sharpening your knives, and pulling your hunting clothes out of the closet. Shine your boots and get ready for the Third Annual Buzzard Bluff Hunting Extravaganza.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Hunting Dates

Here are the official dates for Buzzard Bluff Hunting Extravaganza 2012

Thursday November 8th
  • Martin travels from Mexico to Dallas. He arrives at 9:00am.
  • One stop to Bass Pro Shop
  • Martin and Kit will travel from Dallas to Buzzard Bluff to set up the camp site. (Rob may join at this point)

Friday November 9th
  • Martin and Kit will scout for deer activity and choose the right places to set up the climbing stand and other portable deer blinds. That evening we will drive to town and buy the hunting licenses.
  • Neil and John will join the camp this evening.

Saturday November 10th
  • Duke Clement will drive in early to join us for breakfast and the hunt.
  • Morning Hunt
  • In the afternoon we will take Neil’s kill to the processing plant
  • Evening Hunt
  • Opening Night Feast – All are invited to attend.

Sunday November 11th
  • Duke Clement will drive in early to join us for breakfast and the hunt.
  • Morning Hunt
  • Lunch
  • Evening Hunt
  • Neil returns home with fond memories and a car load of frozen venison.
  • Evening Feast – All are invited to attend

Monday November 12th
  • The remaining members of the group (Kit, Rob, Martin, and John)
  • Morning Hunt
  • Lunch
  • Evening Hunt
  • Evening Feast

Tuesday November 13th
  • The remaining members of the group (Kit, Rob, Martin, and John)
  • Morning Hunt
  • Lunch
  • Evening Hunt
  • Evening Feast

Wednesday November 14th
  • Morning hunt
  • Camp breakdown
  • Travel to Dallas

Thursday November 15th
  • Martin returns home to Mexico

Neill and Tiffany are going to have a BABY!

Hear ye, hear ye!

Let it be known throughout the realm that Sir Neil and his lovely wife, Lady Tiffany, are expecting a baby to arrive in February of 2013.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Martin Bought Plane Tickets

Martin has purchased his plane tickets as of today. That is great news!!!

He arrives on the 8th of November in Dallas at 9:00a. From there we will go to Bass Pro Shop Outdoor World and stock up on anything that we might need, then we will be off to Buzzard Bluff to set up camp.

Rob Vinson also says that he will try to make it this year too - the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.


Welcome to the Buzzard Bluff Hunting Extravaganze blog page. This is where we can all communicate with each other, share huntng photos, etc. during the off season. Join the blog and be sure to check back from time to time for updates.