Friday, August 31, 2012

Hunting Dates

Here are the official dates for Buzzard Bluff Hunting Extravaganza 2012

Thursday November 8th
  • Martin travels from Mexico to Dallas. He arrives at 9:00am.
  • One stop to Bass Pro Shop
  • Martin and Kit will travel from Dallas to Buzzard Bluff to set up the camp site. (Rob may join at this point)

Friday November 9th
  • Martin and Kit will scout for deer activity and choose the right places to set up the climbing stand and other portable deer blinds. That evening we will drive to town and buy the hunting licenses.
  • Neil and John will join the camp this evening.

Saturday November 10th
  • Duke Clement will drive in early to join us for breakfast and the hunt.
  • Morning Hunt
  • In the afternoon we will take Neil’s kill to the processing plant
  • Evening Hunt
  • Opening Night Feast – All are invited to attend.

Sunday November 11th
  • Duke Clement will drive in early to join us for breakfast and the hunt.
  • Morning Hunt
  • Lunch
  • Evening Hunt
  • Neil returns home with fond memories and a car load of frozen venison.
  • Evening Feast – All are invited to attend

Monday November 12th
  • The remaining members of the group (Kit, Rob, Martin, and John)
  • Morning Hunt
  • Lunch
  • Evening Hunt
  • Evening Feast

Tuesday November 13th
  • The remaining members of the group (Kit, Rob, Martin, and John)
  • Morning Hunt
  • Lunch
  • Evening Hunt
  • Evening Feast

Wednesday November 14th
  • Morning hunt
  • Camp breakdown
  • Travel to Dallas

Thursday November 15th
  • Martin returns home to Mexico

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