Master of the Game

Every year we award one hunter with the title of Master of the Game. Earning the title means that you have outperformed all of the other hunters by demonstrating your hunting prowess. Ascending to Master of the Game status means that your name will join the list of great hunters before you and be permanently recorded on the Master of the Game plaque for all to see and admire. Needless to say it is a sought after title at the BBHE deer camp.

All BBHE hunters are eligible to compete for the Master of the Game Award, this includes Core hunters as well as guest hunters.

Only deer harvested during the posted BBHE hunting period and on the BBHE hunting property are eligible to be included in the competition.

The winner of the BBHE Master of the Game award will be responsible for adding his/her name and score to the plaque and may display the plaque at his/her home or office during the off season. The winner must then return the plaque to BBHE so that it can be awarded to the next Master of the Game award recipient.

Master of the Game Scoring System

Stars are awarded to each hunter based on the deer brought back to camp, as follows:

  • 5 stars for every deer harvested
  • 1 star for every point of antler, this includes buttons and spikes. 
  • 5 star bonus will be awarded for deer taken with a bow and arrow
  • 5 star bonus will be awarded for a hunter's first deer (starting 2019)
  • In the event of a tie, the award goes to the hunter with the largest (body mass) deer, as determined by a majority vote of all qualified hunters. If there is not a noticeable difference in body size, then the first kill takes the prize. 

Kit Vinson is the official judge. His decision is final. Decisions may not be contested.

Past Recipients of the Master of the Game Award

2010 - Neil Miller (13 Stars)

2011 - John Pickett (24 Stars)

2012 - Kit Vinson (5 Stars)

2013 - Rob Vinson (31 Stars)

2014 - Rob Vinson (18 Stars)

2015 - Sterling Vinson (15 Stars)

2016 - Martin Riedel (10 Stars)

2017 - Clark Toliver (7 Stars)

2018 - Kittrell Vinson (15 Stars)

2019 - Neil Miller (5 Stars)

2020 - Kit Vinson (13 Stars)

2021 - Martin Riedel (12 Stars)

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