Monday, October 1, 2012

2012 Expected Turn-Out


With the permission of Mr. Neil Miller, I had expanded the invitation list for this year's hunt to include the following people:

  • Bob Miller
  • Bob Vinson
  • Mike Miller
  • Duke Clement
  • Neil Miller
  • Rob Vinson
  • Kit Vinson
  • Charles Vinson
  • Martin Riedel
  • John Pickett
It was going to be a hunting experience for the memory books. However, it seems that end count will be the same as last year, with a slight change in lineup. But that's OK. That means that we can hope for a GREAT turn-out next year after they all see how much fun we had this year.

As of today, the expected turn-out will be:

  • Duke Clement
  • Kit Vinson
  • Martin Riedel
  • John Pickett

I am looking forward to adding Duke's head to the lineup above.

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