Monday, October 24, 2016

I think that we have lost Marshall and Vicki Jeffus for good


We enjoyed having Marshall and Vicki Jeffus at BBHE last year and we were looking forward to another year with them this year..... until their daughter Jordan decided to tie the knot on opening week of deer season. Not a big deal, it happens to the best of us. (pay no attention to the birth date of two of my sons, 11/12/87 and  11/07/07)

In the meantime, the Jeffus' have been quite busy beavers. They purchased some hunting land outside of their home town of Wichita Falls, built a cute cabin on the property, and then got right to work getting this place ready for hunting season. You can see photos of the place in previous posts by clicking here. They have done quit a job in both picking a perfect place to hunt and building it out.

Here is a nice view of the property from one of their deer blinds.

As you can see, it is a typical beautiful TEXAS sky, very cool rolling stock with gun mounts and the works, and in the background is a feeder to help attract deer to the area.

But at night the scene gets even prettier.....

You can click on any image to enlarge it.

THAT is an impressive deer. Just remember, Marshall, you shot your first deer at BUZZARD BLUFF HUNTING EXTRAVAGANZA. We will always be your first deer, but not your first trophy deer. That is very exciting.

Your deer are better, your blinds are more comfortable, your toys are cooler AND you get to sleep in your own bed at night. All we have to offer is a warm campfire, some good eats, and a bunch of half way true hunting stories. As I wrote in the title, I think that we have lost Marshall and Vicki for good.

Happy hunting and please share the photo when you take that monster.

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