Monday, October 3, 2016

Archery Practice

It has been several years since I have actually shot my bow. I have taken it hunting and drawn the bow a few times, but I haven't actually shot an arrow from my bow in more than 5 years.

SO..... I figured that I had better tone my bow specific muscles AND sight the bow to make sure it will still hit what I am aiming at, assuming that I can still pull it back.

Good news. I was able to pull it several times without fatigue and I was shooting some good patterns.

I was dead on at 10 yards. So far so good. That deer would be dead for sure.

At 20 yards my sight was a little off but I had good grouping.

After a little adjusting I was able to get it closer to the kill zone but I still need to make a few more adjustments. That deer would probably live long enough to escape and never be recovered. NOT responsible hunting.

Finally at 30 yards, I was WAY off the target but I was satisfied with my grouping. I was almost all the way off the bag. I would have missed that deer completely, and probably lost my arrow in the process.

So, I still need to make some big adjustments there but I didn't want to pull a muscle on the first morning practicing, so I will work on that one more tomorrow.

All in all, GREAT practice run. This is the easy part. The hard part is getting close enough to a deer without it smelling me, then drawing an arrow without the deer seeing me, and doing that without the deer hearing my coat rub against itself or a tree. A lot of planets have to align before I can take a deer with a bow. But you have to play to win so I will give it another shot this year......AFTER I take a deer with a rifle first.

Note: No deer were harmed in the making of this blog post. The same cannot be said for the Super Sack. BBHE supports ethical hunting practices and does not condone bow hunting with shots like the ones seen in the photos above. 

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