Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Anticipation....It's making me wait.

At the time I am writing this, we have 232 more days until the 2015 Buzzard Bluff Hunting Extravaganza. It has only been 133 days since the 2014 BBHE. What can we do to help pass the time until November? Here are a few thoughts:

  • You can take the antlers off the wall and tie them to the dog’s head (Grinch style). Then get the climbing tree stand out of the attic, climb the tree in the back yard, and follow the dog around through the rifle scope, trying to keep the reticle on the kill zone.
  • For all of the archers in the group, you could print up a photo of Obama, draw on some fancy antlers (add a mustache just for giggles), then paste it to the target and perfect your head shots.
  •  For those of us who survived the 2014 BBHE that want to feel nostalgic, find somebody who has restaurant with a big walk-in freezer, then ask them if you could set up your tent there for the weekend. It won’t take long for memories of the 2014 Polar Vortex to come flooding back.
  • For those of you who have ever hunted with Rob, The Master of the Game, you might pass the time training for 2015 by loading up a canvas bag with about 200 lbs. of rocks, then tie a rope to it and drag it up the tallest and steepest hill you can find.

Those are some of my ideas. Maybe you can come up with some better ones. If so, post a comment here and share.

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