Tuesday, October 16, 2012

And then there were two....

Our numbers are shrinking. We started out with many, and then there were two. John Pickett will be moving into his new home during opening weekend so he is expected to not be able to hunt with us this season. That leaves Kit and Martin. However, Neil and John are definate "maybe's".

2012 Season Dates and Bag Limit, and License Fee

Season: Deer - Modern Gun
Opens: 11/10/2012 
Closes: 12/2/2012 

Zone Limit: Four deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks and up to two does may be taken during muzzleloader and modern gun seasons combined.

  • Does may be taken during the entire Modern Gun season. 
  • Dogs are allowed Nov. 10-Dec. 2 in Zone 1A.
This means that we can take does as well as bucks during the hunt

Our out-of-state license will only allow for three deer, so I guess that will be two bucks and one doe.

Nonresident 5-Day All Game Hunting License (AG5)           ($150.00)
Entitles the holder to hunt all game species for the five-day period specified. Three deer tags or two turkey tags are included with this license.

Monday, October 1, 2012

2012 Expected Turn-Out


With the permission of Mr. Neil Miller, I had expanded the invitation list for this year's hunt to include the following people:

  • Bob Miller
  • Bob Vinson
  • Mike Miller
  • Duke Clement
  • Neil Miller
  • Rob Vinson
  • Kit Vinson
  • Charles Vinson
  • Martin Riedel
  • John Pickett
It was going to be a hunting experience for the memory books. However, it seems that end count will be the same as last year, with a slight change in lineup. But that's OK. That means that we can hope for a GREAT turn-out next year after they all see how much fun we had this year.

As of today, the expected turn-out will be:

  • Duke Clement
  • Kit Vinson
  • Martin Riedel
  • John Pickett

I am looking forward to adding Duke's head to the lineup above.