Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Logging Update and Deer Season 2019


Only 192 more days until BBHE 2019!

As many of you know, Duke and Mike were supposed to have the loggers out at Buzzard Bluff to take down some of the really old trees and thin out some of the other areas. The weather stopped them from getting started before last year's BBHE. As of today, the logging still hasn't happened.

Here's the story. The logging company got started and they were almost immediately shut down by a local judge who didn't want the big logging trucks to destroy the newly paved roads. Neither the party wants to take on the liability of possibly having to pay for paving the roads again after the project. So, if they can't figure out a way to get the logs off of the property with smaller trucks then the property will likely be exactly as it was when we return for BBHE this year. That is my assumption and Duke agrees.

We all know that when the loggers come in and clear out that property, it will make the deer hunting GREAT because it will open up so much of the property. That place is pretty thick now and we have to fight to keep the roads open enough for us to get around.

However, even though the loggers didn't make it in to the land last year to clear the timber, we still took what I believe is the largest buck since we have been hunting at Buzzard Bluff. What a treat that was.

With all that in mind, it is time to start holding the date for anybody who wants to join us at BBHE 2019. I'm going no matter what happens with the loggers.

Arkansas Game and Fish released the 2019 hunting dates:

(If you are reading this blog post in e-mail and the images don't show up, go to http://buzzardbluff.blogspot.com/ for the full post with photos)

November 9 - Dec 1

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Our options are either the first week or the second week since Thanksgiving falls in the 3rd week. If anybody has a preference, please let me know so I can tie down those dates and start planning.

Here is the license fee and bag limit for an out-of-state hunter:

If anything changes regarding the logging situation, I will keep you informed.