Friday, October 18, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ram versus Deer

HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait until you see this video of a ram and a buck locking horns. Who's going to win this one? ram said, "You goin' down MOFO" The buck said, "Bring it on little man. I eat punks like you for breakfast" - GAME ON!!

Thanks Chris Toliver for sending this one over.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ballow's Famous Texas Chili

I just received a case of my favorite chili seasoning mix. This should last me from BBHE until the end of the cold season. THIS is what makes BBHE chili taste so awesome!

OK, so now that I study it a little more, I may have to get one more case before Spring. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Guest Hunter Profile - Jonathan Burnett

So, who is this guy we'll be hunting with? Good question.

Jonathan Burnett (JB) is a master stone mason from Richmond Virginia. I met JB at the beach in North Carolina about 5 years ago.

JB is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran (we appreciate your service), an avid podcast listener and an insatiable listener of self-help audio books.

JB is dedicated to his family and in my opinion, one heck of a family man. I wasn't sure we were going to ever be able to pull him away for this hunt.

JB says that his main goal on this trip is to learn how to skin an animal. The idea that he is a meat eater and doesn't know how to take an animal from hoof to hearth is unacceptable to him.

I am super excited to have JB as a guest hunter this year. (He's the goober in the middle)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mixed Emotions

It brings me great sadness to announce that Yagermeister Martin Riedel will not be joining us again this year for BBHE. He will be sorely missed, however, if we get another buck like we did last year, he may be prohibited from returning. (Only kidding Don Martin)

On a happier note, Martin will not be joining us because one of his sons will be married in Germany. That's why he can't join us.

I will post wedding photos as soon as they become available

Monday, September 9, 2019

BBHE 2019 - We Got Us a Live One

This year my good friend Jonathan Burnett has accepted the invitation to join us on the hunt. He bought his license last week and his plane ticket today.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

BBHE 2019 Kickoff - 10th Anniversary

Good Morning Buzzard Bluff Hunters!!

Yes, it is that time of year again, only 66 more days. Time to start thinking about what we are going to eat while we sit around the campfire and telling lies about what we did while hunting and killing animals. Yep, this kind of stuff isn’t for the faint of heart. Only the men of men have what it takes to belly up to this bar and trade licks with the likes of us. For those who have the “Right Stuff” and can survive until the next meal, you will be rewarded with sustenance that will fuel your engines and build your stamina so you can re-enter the arena and fight again.

If you’re thinking something fancy-schmancy, then you should probably sit this one out and come back when you become a real hunter. Our motto is, “If it doesn’t hurt when you eat it, then it aint worth eating.” Our coffee is served with a knife and fork, the beans are scraped from the bottom of the pot, and all of the meat is served jerky style. If you’re not up to the challenge, then you might consider moving back in with your mom and letting her cut your meat for you. There is no space around the campfire for people like you.

This year, the menu will probably look very similar to the menu from last year because the response was overwhelmingly positive. We consider a positive response any meal that doesn’t end with uncontrolled projectile vomiting, botulism, or salmonella. Last year everybody was POSITIVE that all of the food was not fit for human consumption.

However, nothing is set in stone. If you have any special requests, or if you feel up to lifting your lazy butt off that log and cooking something special for the boys, then now is the time to voice your opinion. To request a change to the menu, simply mail a letter to BBHE, c/o Vice-President of Gastro Stimulation, P.O. Box 275896, Rudy, Arkansas. All requests must be received in the office no later than noon on the second Tuesday of the third week of October. All requests that do not arrive in time for the deadline will be processed into toilet paper to be used during the 2019 hunting season.

Cooler space is limited so it is important that the Gastro Stimulation department have an accurate head-count so that the correct amount of supplies can be flown in. The menu committee needs to know who will be attending which meals. If you sign up for a meal and are unable to attend said meal, the food supplies that you ordered and did not use will be air dropped onto the windshield of your car sometime between Monday and Friday of the week following the annual hunt, between the hours of 7:00am and 10:00pm. You will be responsible for all damages that may result from the air drop.

The same rules apply this year as they did last year. For all of you numb-skulls that have already forgotten the rules, I will review them again.

  1. The cook does NOT have to clean dishes, pots, pans, and eating utensils after each meal. He has sacrificed much to ensure that you have a camping culinary experience that is second to none. If you don’t care enough to do a little clean-up after the meal, then he may, at his discretion, urinate or spit in the next meal he prepares for you.
  2. Anybody who complains about the quality of any meal will be required to prepare the next meal. (“It tastes like shit, but GOOD shit”)

That is all for now. It is time to start polishing your guns, sharpening your knives, and pulling your hunting clothes out of the closet. Shine your boots and get ready for the 10th Annual Buzzard Bluff Hunting Extravaganza.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019


OK, so I am going to sound like a hill billy, but apparently you needed a license to kill wild hogs before now. Who woulda thunk? What exactly is a hunting license, anyway?

In an interview from February 2019, Texas Senator Bryan Hughes of Mineola said that the existing law for the killing of feral hogs could be read to mean that there is a requirement of proof that they’re causing damage prior to killing them. However, a new bill—Senate Bill 317—which he has authored, states that they can be killed whether there has been damage or not, and a license won’t be required. The bill has since been approved by both houses and will move on to the desk of the governor for final review and signing into law.

Designed to give more freedom to those battling problems with the feral hog population in Texas, SB 317 received approval at the Texas Senate level on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. The state of Texas is presently home to one of the largest populations of feral hogs in America. There are an estimated 2-3 million of them in the Lone Star State. The majority of these appear to live in East Texas. They’re known for causing millions in damage to farm and ranch land and disrupting the natural patterns of native species. The state legislature has previously attempted to address the issue with legislation that allowed the hunting of feral hogs via hot air balloons and even helicopters. There have also been laws passed that would allow a landowner to kill them, as noted above, which appeared to be a bit ambiguous in its interpretation.

Pending the signature of the governor, this new bill will go into effect on September 1, 2019, and would allow a hog to be killed at any time, without a hunting license, whether they’re destroying property at that time or not. The writing of SB 317 was in hopes that this provision would empower Texas landowners to take further steps to protect their property from damage in advance. The difference between this and the current legislation is that under present law, it’s illegal for the same landowner to kill a hog which was simply present or crossing his property, unless the rancher or farmer was in possession of a valid hunting license.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Logging Update and Deer Season 2019


Only 192 more days until BBHE 2019!

As many of you know, Duke and Mike were supposed to have the loggers out at Buzzard Bluff to take down some of the really old trees and thin out some of the other areas. The weather stopped them from getting started before last year's BBHE. As of today, the logging still hasn't happened.

Here's the story. The logging company got started and they were almost immediately shut down by a local judge who didn't want the big logging trucks to destroy the newly paved roads. Neither the party wants to take on the liability of possibly having to pay for paving the roads again after the project. So, if they can't figure out a way to get the logs off of the property with smaller trucks then the property will likely be exactly as it was when we return for BBHE this year. That is my assumption and Duke agrees.

We all know that when the loggers come in and clear out that property, it will make the deer hunting GREAT because it will open up so much of the property. That place is pretty thick now and we have to fight to keep the roads open enough for us to get around.

However, even though the loggers didn't make it in to the land last year to clear the timber, we still took what I believe is the largest buck since we have been hunting at Buzzard Bluff. What a treat that was.

With all that in mind, it is time to start holding the date for anybody who wants to join us at BBHE 2019. I'm going no matter what happens with the loggers.

Arkansas Game and Fish released the 2019 hunting dates:

(If you are reading this blog post in e-mail and the images don't show up, go to for the full post with photos)

November 9 - Dec 1

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Our options are either the first week or the second week since Thanksgiving falls in the 3rd week. If anybody has a preference, please let me know so I can tie down those dates and start planning.

Here is the license fee and bag limit for an out-of-state hunter:

If anything changes regarding the logging situation, I will keep you informed.