Monday, April 30, 2018

Tornado at Buzzard Bluff


Duke has informed me that there has been a tornado at Buzzard Bluff, and according to Mr. Stapp, a  neighboring land owners, the trees on the property have been "decimated". Mr. Stapp is OK but his home was destroyed.

We don't yet know the extent of the damage or if the damages will prevent us from hunting there this year.

All we have to show now is a video from YouTube.

The following information comes from the National Weather Service:

Peak Winds: 110-120 MPH
Maximum Path Width: 1,000 yards (0.56 miles wide)
Start: 1.5 miles NNE of Rudy, AR (35.5490, -94.2621)
End: 3.1 miles ESE of Chester, AR (35.6730, -94.1222)

"Damage: Several trees were snapped and uprooted as it crossed Frog Bayou. Homes were damaged, outbuildings destroyed, power poles blown down, and cars were rolled off the highway. Several mobile homes were destroyed and tree damage was evident on Overlook Trail"

I pulled the map from the National Weather Service and drew on it so you could get a better idea of where Buzzard Bluff is in relation to the path of the tornado.

The blue arrow shows the gate to the property. The area circled in yellow is approximately the area where we hunt. The solid red line is the path of the tornado and the dotted pink lines are the outer boundaries of the tornado.

If you are viewing this from the Blog Site then you can click on the image to enlarge it. I am not sure if you can do that from the e-mail.

Here is an image that I took from 2011 that shows the location of the camp and different deer blinds that we use at BBHE. You can compare it to the map above.

Finally, I have tried to overlay the two maps so you can get a better idea of where the tornado went in relation to our deer blinds. It;s not perfect but it will give you an idea.

Stay tuned.