Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Post BBHE 2017 Notes

BBHE 2017 was a LOT of fun, but I am sad to say that the deer won this contest for the most part. We DID have a clear winner of the Master of the Game award. I will make a separate post for that.

The Rib Fest was a huge success as usual, special thanks to Chris Toliver, Clark Toliver, Kittrell and Charles Vinson for working so hard to help make that happen.

I still haven't made the video from 2017, so the video for 2017 surely isn't ready. I think that I will combine the two years into one video.

Here are a few photos taken the night of the ribfest.

The boys working hard to prepare for the big party

We had TWO of our three cast iron dutch ovens cooking that night

Nice, juicy ribs, baby

Our cast iron lineup

Dove poppers and marinated backstrap. The dove came from Marshall and Vicki's place, along with teh REALLY good marinade. Chris stuffed them with green apple and wrapped them in bacon for the grill. (yum yum)

Time to eat