Thursday, September 7, 2017

The BBHE Hunting Dates Have Been Set


The dates for the BBHE 2017 have been set. Who's in!!!

November 9th
We will be rolling out of Coppell, Texas on the 9th of November. When we get there we will set up camp and eat our first meal under the open stars.

November 10th
The day of the 10th will be reserved for scouting and deer blind setup. We also spend some of that day, if possible, cutting down branch growth and fine-tuning the camp setup.

November 11th - 15th
On the evening of the 11th we will have the Miller clan out to the campsite for the traditional BBHE opening night feast!
Five days of pure deer hunting, campfires, story telling and music.

November 16th
If we have all the deer that we can eat then we will pull up camp and return home. If not we will stay one extra day to try and get that elusive buck.

November 17th
This will definitely be the last day, deer or no deer.

There you have it!

We have three confirmed hunters so far:
  • Kit Vinson
  • Kittrell Vinson
  • Charles Vinson

Possible hunters:
  • Neil Miller
  • Rob Vinson
  • Chris Toliver
Again I ask, who's in?!!!!