Sunday, August 27, 2017


I have a few items of bad news.....

First, Martin Riedel will not be hunting this year at Buzzard Bluff. I know. I agree. I asked him the same question that you are thinking, "Do you sit down when you pee or are you a man?" But, he has an opportunity to take a trip of a lifetime to India early next year and he wants to save every penny for that trip. I get it. I don't like it but I get it. No worries though. We will hold his position as Jägermeister. Rumor has it that he earned the Master of the Game award last year so we have to show some respect for that achievement.

Second, I have not worked very much on the hunting video from last year so it probably won't be ready before this year's hunt. I know. I agree. I ask myself the same question, "Do you sit down when you pee or are you a real man?" The truth is that I often do sit down to pee because I am too lazy to stand up. There, I said it.

Enough of the bad news. Here is some possible good news.

It is very possible that I might get to hunt with my two oldest sons, Kittrell and Charles. If all of the planets line up they might get to join the hunt this year. Kittrell is not a hunter but he said that he might come along just to enjoy some outdoors and to hang out with is old man. Charles is a hunter and he is finishing up his studies to be a paramedic. He is conducting a job search to become a firefighter and if he doesn't have a job by November then he will get to come hunting at BBHE for the first time. I have not hunted with Charles for a very long time. He is 27 now. Here is how old he was the last time we got to hunt together in 2004.

That was his first deer.

Anyway, only 70+ days until BBHE 2017. It's time to start prepping. Those deer aren't going to shoot themselves.