Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Post BBHE 2017 Notes

BBHE 2017 was a LOT of fun, but I am sad to say that the deer won this contest for the most part. We DID have a clear winner of the Master of the Game award. I will make a separate post for that.

The Rib Fest was a huge success as usual, special thanks to Chris Toliver, Clark Toliver, Kittrell and Charles Vinson for working so hard to help make that happen.

I still haven't made the video from 2017, so the video for 2017 surely isn't ready. I think that I will combine the two years into one video.

Here are a few photos taken the night of the ribfest.

The boys working hard to prepare for the big party

We had TWO of our three cast iron dutch ovens cooking that night

Nice, juicy ribs, baby

Our cast iron lineup

Dove poppers and marinated backstrap. The dove came from Marshall and Vicki's place, along with teh REALLY good marinade. Chris stuffed them with green apple and wrapped them in bacon for the grill. (yum yum)

Time to eat

Friday, October 20, 2017

Round and Round it Goes......

Round and round it goes.... Where it stops, nobody knows.

The list of BBHE hunters for this year seems to be ever changing.

When I first started putting the list together this year, everybody was a MAYBE. For a time I thought that we wouldn't have a BBHE this year. Martin Riedel is taking a year off so he can take a trip to India. Chris Toliver was a MAYBE and John Pickett was a definite NO. Marshall and Vicki Jeffus were a definite NO for travel reasons too.

I was down in the mouth for sure.

Then, Charles Vinson became a solid on the list and Rob Vinson was optimistic about his possibility of joining us. Things were looking up for BBHE at this point. I just need one hunter to join me in order for the hunt to be on.

Later, Chris Toliver crossed the line and was a definite YES, along with his son Clark Toliver. At about the same time, Kittrell Vinson popped up as a definite YES. Neil Miller added his name to the list as a definite MAYBE.

Later, Rob Vinson pulled his name from the list :-(

At this point we had a great list of hunters. Then disaster struck again. As of yesterday, Charles Vinson pulled his name form the list :-(

So, as of today, here is the list of 2017 BBHE hunters:

  • Kit Vinson
  • Kittrell Vinson
  • Chris Toliver
  • Clark Toliver

It will be an awesome Father/Son hunt this year. Just 21 days until the hunt. The gears of teh hunting machine are starting to turn.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Ms. Vicki Bags a Hog

Congratulations to Vicki Jeffus for bagging a big, nasty hog on her property outside of Wichita Falls, Texas. That is FANTASTIC!!!!

Did you leave it for the buzzards or did you take it home to eat?

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The BBHE Hunting Dates Have Been Set


The dates for the BBHE 2017 have been set. Who's in!!!

November 9th
We will be rolling out of Coppell, Texas on the 9th of November. When we get there we will set up camp and eat our first meal under the open stars.

November 10th
The day of the 10th will be reserved for scouting and deer blind setup. We also spend some of that day, if possible, cutting down branch growth and fine-tuning the camp setup.

November 11th - 15th
On the evening of the 11th we will have the Miller clan out to the campsite for the traditional BBHE opening night feast!
Five days of pure deer hunting, campfires, story telling and music.

November 16th
If we have all the deer that we can eat then we will pull up camp and return home. If not we will stay one extra day to try and get that elusive buck.

November 17th
This will definitely be the last day, deer or no deer.

There you have it!

We have three confirmed hunters so far:
  • Kit Vinson
  • Kittrell Vinson
  • Charles Vinson

Possible hunters:
  • Neil Miller
  • Rob Vinson
  • Chris Toliver
Again I ask, who's in?!!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2017


I have a few items of bad news.....

First, Martin Riedel will not be hunting this year at Buzzard Bluff. I know. I agree. I asked him the same question that you are thinking, "Do you sit down when you pee or are you a man?" But, he has an opportunity to take a trip of a lifetime to India early next year and he wants to save every penny for that trip. I get it. I don't like it but I get it. No worries though. We will hold his position as Jägermeister. Rumor has it that he earned the Master of the Game award last year so we have to show some respect for that achievement.

Second, I have not worked very much on the hunting video from last year so it probably won't be ready before this year's hunt. I know. I agree. I ask myself the same question, "Do you sit down when you pee or are you a real man?" The truth is that I often do sit down to pee because I am too lazy to stand up. There, I said it.

Enough of the bad news. Here is some possible good news.

It is very possible that I might get to hunt with my two oldest sons, Kittrell and Charles. If all of the planets line up they might get to join the hunt this year. Kittrell is not a hunter but he said that he might come along just to enjoy some outdoors and to hang out with is old man. Charles is a hunter and he is finishing up his studies to be a paramedic. He is conducting a job search to become a firefighter and if he doesn't have a job by November then he will get to come hunting at BBHE for the first time. I have not hunted with Charles for a very long time. He is 27 now. Here is how old he was the last time we got to hunt together in 2004.

That was his first deer.

Anyway, only 70+ days until BBHE 2017. It's time to start prepping. Those deer aren't going to shoot themselves.