Friday, September 23, 2016

BBHE 2016 Attendance


Last year was a record year for the number of hunters at BBHE. In 2015 our hunter list was rich. We had The Core:

  • Neil Miller (Master of the Game 2010)
  • Martin Riedel
  • Rob Vinson (Master of the Game 2013, 2014)
  • Kit Vinson (Master of the Game 2012)

We also had a slew of guest hunters:

  • Marchall Jeffus
  • Vivki Jeffus
  • Sterling Vinson (Master of the Game 2015)
  • Victoria Vinson
  • Chris Bernal

This year the numbers will be much different.

Marshall and Vicki didn't have the guts to ask their daughter to move her wedding date far away from opening weekend of deer season. I can certainly understand that. I mean, there are only 365 days in a year. When you only have 52 weeks to choose from for a wedding, them's pretty slim pickins for options. The other 51 weeks of the year must have been pretty crappy weeks to have a wedding, right? I totally get it.... sort of. Not really. No, I don't get it. There, I said it. It's on the table for all to see. I don't understand how anybody could let something like this happen. This is how it would have gone down at my house, "Sure, y'all can pick that week to have a wedding. I hope that you guys take a lot of great pictures so I can see how the wedding went because I'll be hunting in Arkansas that week. Here's a thought. Why don't you go to the Rent-A-Center and see if they can rent you a dad to walk you down the isle because this dad will be sittin' in a deer blind waiting for that monster buck to stick his head out so I can get my name on the Master of the Game plaque." But instead, it will be YOU Marshall Jeffus, that has to go to the Rent-A-Center to see if they can rent you a usable set of balls.

Both Victoria and Sterling recently graduated from Graduate School and found highfalutin jobs back east. I would tell you all about their jobs but it is all top secret. If I told ya I'd have to kill ya. Some things just aren't worth knowin'. Anyway, they are out of the mix. Y'all go on and spend your opening week hanging around a bunch of damn yankees. Or should I have said, "yous guys" go on. Fine. Fine. No, it's not fine. How anybody could pick a stupid job over a chance to get your name on the Master of the Game plaque is far beyond my ability to comprehend. Who would pick total strangers, and yankee strangers at that, over family is beyond me.

Rob still has a freezer full of venison. He is also saving up his time off to go visit his kiddos back east during the winter break. All that's just fine with me. Since he and his clan have dominated the Master of the Game competition for the past three years it will be a good thing to give the rest of us undeserving peons a chance to ring the bell and take home the plaque. I think that I speak for all of the other hunters when I say that I'd take a win by default any day of the week. Just wait until you see what I will do to your coveted "honey hole" when you next see it. I'll have so many blinds erected on your spot the next time you hunt there that you won't be able to recognize the place. Dubai will look like a kid playing with LEGOa compared to what I have planned for your precious hunting grounds.

And Neil Miller, don't think for a second that you are out of the heat on this one just because Uncle Bob is your granddad. "I have to go pheasant hunting with an important business contact on that week waa, waa waa." I don't even know where to start on this one. Am I even hearing you right? You're choosing a scrawny bird over a majestic deer? Your head must be full of scrambled eggs because there sure as hell aint no brains up in there.

You turds will get no sympathy from me! You want sympathy, look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis! That's where you'll find my sympathy.

Now, I want all you "hunters" who can't seem to be able to show up to BBHE 2016 to drop down and give me twenty.... One! Don't you feel dumb. Two! Look at you. Three! Don't you ever think about missing BBHE again or else I'll stomp you into the ground.....

See what we have here is a failure to communicate. Know this, killing is my business, ladies, and business is good. Do not attempt to challenge my authority. I have six weeks to turn you gaggle of maggots farts into a well-discipline hunting club. From this day forward your sorry asses belong to me. You will not eat, sleep, drink, blow your nose or dig in your buts without my say so.

Be advised, ladies, I am going to WIN the Master of the Game this year! You will note my emphasis on the word WIN: Whisky! India! November! GET USED TO THE SOUND OF THAT WORD!

Does Charlie care about jobs, or weddings, or winter break? HELL NO. Charlie is just waiting out in the jungle for a weakling like you to come by. 

And who’s going to put red meat on your table after the zombie apocalypse? Certainly not you. You’re too busy fluttering around to all of your social engagements like a butterfly. The survivors will be the ones who are trained and practiced deer killers. The rest will be gathering the crumbs under our table.

For the rest of you who have your priorities straight and will be at BBHE 2016 this year, you're still a shit sandwich. You're just not a soggy one. From this moment, you are no longer turds. You have graduated to maggots!

This year's core will most likely consist of:
  • Martin Riedel
  • Kit Vinson

With a special guest hunter:
  • Chris Toliver

Of course, we will all stay home when the day comes that The Duke of Oil decides not to show up. We'll see you guys in 47 more days.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Opening Day of Dove Season

Today marks the opening day of hunting season in the north and central zones of Texas. September 1 is dove season and it is a day that many people take off from work to enjoy. Some Buzzard Bluffers have done just that, and they have had great success.

It is still very early in the day as I am writing this post and already Chris Toliver has taken down two birds with only ONE shot. THAT is a sign of a skilled wing shooter for sure.

Marshall and Vicki Jeffus were limited out and home by 9:00am. These guys eat, live, and breath bird hunting so it came as no big surprise that they were so successful on opening morning. Check out these pics.

No dove would escape the eyes of this seasoned wingshooter.

You can't argue with dead birds on the tailgate.