Wednesday, August 31, 2016

You should know who you will be hunting with

To the hunters of BBHE 2016:

I invited Chris Toliver to hunt with us this season and at first I was confident that he would make a great addition to the hunt. However, Chris just recently celebrated his 50th birthday. Please congratulate him when you see him. 50 is a big deal. Check out his cool birthday cake. Martin, you will love this one.

Birthday cakes made out of beer are all fun and good, but the next photo is just downright startling. I will take responsibility for whatever happens at BBHE this year. I will do my best to keep Chris under control. The thing that gets me is that I asked him if he did anything stupid on his birthday, anything that he would be embarrassed about the next day, and he told me no.


This photo emerges...........

I mean, who even owns a garment like that, much less puts it on for a birthday photo. NOW, I am starting to get nervous about my selection. My advice to you as you enjoy BBHE this year, don't drop the soap. If you drop your keys, then kick them all the way to the car, and sleep with one eye open. I know I will be.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sleeping Beauty

What we have here are the sleeping beauties.... waiting to be put back in service.