Monday, July 18, 2016

BBHE 2016 Planning Starts Today


As you know, planning for the BBHE hunt starts way before November. We had discussed some dates early on but I had to modify those dates because they didn't include any weekend hunting days. I almost forgot about Neil Miller (Sorry Neil). I have made a few changes to the previously discussed dates. The change I made to the schedule adds one more hunts and allow us to hunt over a weekend so Neil can join us. The only casualty will be that Chris will not be able to join us until the afternoon of the 12th. 

Martin and Chris have already purchased their plane tickets. That is great news. Here are the official dates.

(remember that you can click on the images to make them bigger if you need to)

Here is how I have it planned for the above week in November:

Note: Rob is fighting for full custody of his daughter and if he wins he will not be joining us for the hunt this year. Family comes first. The following is assuming that Rob will be joining us.

Martin and Rob arrive to Dallas on the 10th.

We load the trailer, do the grocery shopping, and precook meals on the 10th. We all stay at the Vinson Hotel – group rates of $149 per person but free if you help all day.

We wake up early on the 11th and get to the camp by noon as we did last year, buying our licenses before we make camp. To speed the process I will buy my license online and ask that Chris and Rob do the same. They will mail it directly to our houses. That way we can get as much scouting and stand setup as possible.

Then we hunt on opening morning of the 12th through the 15th

Chris will be arriving on the afternoon of the 12th.

On the 16th we do a morning hunt, break down camp, and then maybe do an afternoon hunt as we did last year. After that we return home.

On the 17th Martin and Rob fly home and Chris drives home.

There is a possibility that Alicia, Mateo and I will go camping there on the 4th through the 6th. If we do that then I will simply leave the camp setup so we won’t have to do that when we arrive to hunt. That would be the “best case scenario”.

Hunt #1,2        12th
Hunt #3,4        13th
Hunt #5,6        14th
Hunt #7,8        15th
Hunt #9           16th

That is 9 hunts in 5 days. Not too bad.

I would like to do the Buzzard Bluff Rib Fest on the 12th


We have two options for licenses; a 3 day license or a 5 day license.

There is a $55 difference between the two. That can buy a lot of ribs when you multiply that by 4 hunters. So I propose that we each get a 3 day license and space them out like so.

Kit:      12th – 14th
Chris   13th – 15th
Martin 14th – 16th

If Rob is able to join then he will pick up Martin’s Dates and Martin will buy his for whichever dates he wants to since he will be the last person to buy a license. (He can’t buy his online because of international issues). This way we will always have a tag to hunt with. If all 4 of us are hunting then we will have 8 tags and that is more than plenty. If for some strange reason we need more then we can use Neil’s tags. Neil is a resident and can take up to 4 deer.

Victoria and Sterling (Winner of the Master of the Game Award 2015) will not be joining us this year as they both have graduated and secured real jobs back east. 

Marshall and Vicki Jeffus will not be joining us this year because they are marrying off their last child. Since parents don't get to pick the date and children can sometimes be horribly insensitive to hunting season dates, they are SOL for BBHE 2016.

As it stands right now, here is the list of hunters and their status:

Kit Vinson - Definite YES
Rob Vinson - Maybe
Martn Riedel - Definite YES
Neil Miller - Definite YES
Chris Toliver - Definite YES

That is all the news that is fit to print.