Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Introducing BBHE Guest Hunter - Chris Toliver


I am excited to announce that my very close friend from Austin, Texas (formerly Wichita Falls), Chris Toliver, will be joining us as a guest hunter at BBHE 2016. Today he officially committed to the entire week of the trip. He will be filling the bunk left open by Sterling Vinson. If Chris performs well (meaning he doesn't shoot a bigger dear than I do) then we will conduct the black ball ceremony and if he passes then we will proceed to new hunter initiation and then hazing. If he survives all of that then maybe he might come back to hunt again and we can add his face to the row of floating heads on the blog. But we are getting WAY ahead of ourselves.

Chris is a proud Texan, an avid hunter, a connoisseur of fine whiskey,  and a knife collector (Get him to tell you the story about the drunk knife purchase he made at the Renaissance Fair). He has two fine kids and no wife. For that reason it is really hard to find a photo of him without a girl on each arm, but I was able to find a few.

Proud Texan

(I told him that he could find bucks bigger than this one in Arkansas. HA! The joke's on him)

We've been friends since the mid 1980s (over 30 years)

Don't let the Jane Fonda Jazzercize headband fool you, he's a tough mudder.

I know that everybody will enjoy having Chris hunt with us as much as I will. The countdown continues until BBHE 2016. Stay tuned.