Monday, January 11, 2016

Marshall and Vicki are out for next year's hunt :-(

Good news and bad news for BBHE 2016. Below is an excerpt from an e-mail I just received from Vicki:

"News flash!!!
The good news:  Jordan and her beaux of 3 years are tying the knot in Mexico this fall.

The not so good news: it's happening on Nov. 12 - opening weekend of deer season in Ark.

Hate to miss the fun, but wanted to let you know.  Hopefully, we can join in the next year."

Y'all know what this means, right?

MORE RIBS FOR THE REST OF US!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!


We are so very sorry that you guys can't make it.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

Sterling's name will forever be on the Buzzard Bluff Master of the Game Award plaque. For those of you who do not yet have your name on the board, there are only 12 empty spots left.