Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sporting Clays

I took Madeline and Alicia to a full day course to learn how to shoot sporting clays. I thought that I would dominate the course..... until I saw first-hand how shooting is a diminishing skill. Unlike riding a bike, shooting clays is actually a skill that goes away over time. Madeline was the star of this show.

Monday, May 11, 2015

How to quarter a deer

Here is a good video about how to quarter a deer. Even if you already know how you should still watch it. I learned something new

Monday, May 4, 2015

5 Ways To Sharpen A Knife Without A Sharpener

We have all been there, out in the middle of nowhere with a dull knife. Here are some pretty cool ideas that will help you solve the problem so you can skin that deer, peel that apple, or just clean under your fingernails better.

(Sent to me by my good friend Chris Toliver)