Sunday, November 28, 2021

BBHE 2021 was a GREAT Success

 BBHE 2021 was another HUGE success. 

Neil was the first person to ring the bell with the harvest of not one, but TWO does, in the same hunting session. He is the first person to do this at BBHE. John Picket almost did it, but his deer, while taken in the same morning, were taken at two different places on the property.

Marting was the second person to ring the bell with a NICE 7-point buck. This earned him the distinguished honor of the Master of the Game award this year.

Charles and Kit both shot a deer (does) but neither were able to recover their deer. Very sad, but this happens from time to time.

We continued the tradition of the BBHE Ribfest again this year. We had some special guests at the Ribfest this year; Becca Miller, Tiffany Miller, and June Miller. What a treat that was.

After his third consecutive hunt at BBHE, Charles Vinson has graduated from a guest hunter to a BBHE Core Hunter. This doesn't mean anything in the real world, but at BBHE, it means that he gets his floating head added to the main page of the blog. 

Here are some memories from the event.

Saturday, December 19, 2020


 BBHE 2020 was a HUGE success. We harvested 4 deer from the property and we all have plenty of venison in the freezer that will hold us over until BBHE 2021. We also added cameras to two of the hunting locations so we can see what is lurking around out there all throughout the year. This year we had Kit, Martin, Neil, and Charles. It was one of the best years ever. I will really try hard to get caught up on the hunting videos. I haven't produced a video since 2015, so I have my work cut out for me. Unfortunately, we did not take a group photo, so this is all I can share right now.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Chronic Waste Disease (CWD)

CWD is a big deal and slowly spreading through Arkansas. You can read about it here:

So, up until this year, we were in Zone 1A and we were outside of tier 1 on the map. We are now in Zone 6 and we are still outside of tier 1. However, they have created a tier 2 for this year, and we are right dab in the middle of that one.

Here is the good news. Although CWD is headed out way, it isn't here yet. We hunt in Crawford County and there has not been a single reported case of CWD in the county.

Here is the even GOODER news. In an attempt to control the spread, they have increased the bag limits so for the out-of-state hunters (which is everybody in our group), this means one extra deer. AND, they no longer count a button buck towards your bag limit of two bucks. This is especially exciting to me since most of the does I shoot seem to always have a healthy set of balls.

That's all for CWD.

Time to Start Planning BBHE 2020

Kiddos, we won't let something as silly as COOVID stop us from responsibly enjoying deer season. So, as of today, I am happy to announce that BBHE 2020 is ON!!!!!!!!!!! This hunt is going down baby. It's going down like a fat kid on a see-saw.

 Right now, the plan is to travel on the 12th, set up stands and scout on the 13th, and hunt form the 14th through the 20th. We still need to fine-tune these dates. Some time in those days, we will have the 11th annual BBHE 2020 Ribfest. Again, nothing has been finalized. I just want everybody to start getting in the groove and begin planning their time off for the big hunt. We are just 10 weeks out. Kit

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019